Annual Subscription Fee (With GST)


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Dear Member,

Season greetings from Phana!

At the outset I would like to thank all the member Hospitals for supporting PHANA in all its Endeavors , Under the Inspiring and Dynamic Leadership of Dr.GovindaiahYatheesh after multiple  Meetings with the FIRE DGP, the Government of Karnataka finally passed an ordinance exempting Hospitals under 21 meters from FIRE NOC.

Friends now it’s time to address the other Pressing issues of Private Hospitals ,PHANA has already approached High Court against the Governments order for Hospitals above 50 beds to Install Oxygen plants and we are also challenging the Latest Minimum Wages Notification .PHANA is  also committed to abolish Trade License.

Although GIPSA Insurance companies have agreed to look into the PPN rates , it seems most of our Member Hospitals are facing issues during renewal, these activities need funds and financial Support.

To raise funds for  these activities we request all the member Hospitals to kindly pay the Annual Subscription fees of Rs:2360/- (with GST) to PHANA by the way of cheque or electronic Transfer or please use the QR Code of PHANA or link for payment gateway  to make payment instantly and share the payment reference ID to and obtain receipt without fail.


Name: Private Hospitals and Nursing Homes Association-Karnataka


Account Number : 922020065422510

Ifsc Code: UTIB0000333


With Best Regards,






 “I know PHANA , PHANA knows me well“,